Push Over

Boost Your Fitness with Today’s WOD: Push Over

Ready to take your fitness to the next level? Our Workout of the Day (WOD) is designed to challenge and engage every muscle in your body, helping you build strength, endurance, and agility. Welcome to Push Over – a workout that will push you beyond your limits and leave you feeling accomplished.

What is a WOD?

A WOD is a high-intensity workout tailored to fit all fitness levels, from beginners to advanced athletes. These workouts are varied and scalable, ensuring that everyone can participate and benefit. Today’s WOD focuses on a blend of strength training and cardio, delivering a comprehensive full-body workout.

Push Over Breakdown

For this WOD, you’ll perform a series of exercises for one minute each, aiming for as many reps as possible (AMRAP). Between each exercise, you’ll complete 10 push-ups. This routine will keep your heart rate up and muscles working hard.


  1. Alternating Swings:
    • Target muscles: Hamstrings, glutes, shoulders
    • Equipment: Kettlebell or dumbbell
    • Modification: Use a lighter weight or do bodyweight swings
  2. Rows:
    • Target muscles: Back, biceps
    • Equipment: Dumbbells or resistance band
    • Modification: Use a lighter weight or seated row with band
  3. Bicep Curls:
    • Target muscles: Biceps
    • Equipment: Dumbbells or resistance band
    • Modification: Use a lighter weight or resistance band with less tension
  4. Tricep Extensions:
    • Target muscles: Triceps
    • Equipment: Dumbbell or resistance band
    • Modification: Use a lighter weight or band with less resistance
  5. Lunges:
    • Target muscles: Quads, glutes, hamstrings
    • Equipment: Bodyweight or add dumbbells
    • Modification: Reduce depth or perform stationary lunges
  6. High Pull:
    • Target muscles: Shoulders, traps
    • Equipment: Dumbbell or kettlebell
    • Modification: Use a lighter weight or resistance band
  7. Clean and Squat:
    • Target muscles: Full body, focusing on legs and core
    • Equipment: Dumbbells or kettlebell
    • Modification: Use a lighter weight or focus on form with bodyweight
  8. Bear Row:
    • Target muscles: Back, core
    • Equipment: Dumbbells
    • Modification: Perform standard rows if the bear position is too challenging
  9. Skull Crusher:
    • Target muscles: Triceps
    • Equipment: Dumbbells
    • Modification: Use a lighter weight or resistance band
  10. Clean Squat Press:
    • Target muscles: Full body
    • Equipment: Dumbbells or kettlebell
    • Modification: Use a lighter weight or break the movement into parts (clean, squat, press separately)

After each exercise, perform 10 push-ups to keep your upper body engaged throughout the workout.

Tips for Maximizing Your Workout

  • Warm-Up: Always start with a good warm-up to prepare your muscles and joints. Dynamic stretches and light cardio are great options.
  • Form First: Focus on maintaining proper form to prevent injury and ensure you’re working the correct muscles.
  • Pace Yourself: It’s an AMRAP workout, so push yourself, but listen to your body and take breaks if needed.
  • Cool Down: Don’t forget to cool down and stretch after the workout to aid in recovery.

Share your progress and experiences on social media and tag us! We love seeing our community in action.

Ready to get started? Join us for a free trial class and experience the GRIT program at the Academy of Self Defense in Santa Clara. Our supportive community and experienced instructors are here to help you reach your fitness goals.