Author: Jivoni Jordan

closeup of person's legs walking up concrete steps

3 Top Reasons People Quit Fitness

Starting a fitness program is not easy. If you’re new to exercising or coming back to exercising after a break, you’re probably going to have some challenges adjusting. For some people, adjusting to those challenges can end up in giving up on fitness programs altogether. If you know ahead of time the problems that you’re […]

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woman practicing Muay Thai drills

Why Cardio Kickboxing Drives Physical and Mental Fitness

Fitness is about much more than losing belly fat or building bulging arm muscles. While the outer body changes are important, working out with cardio kickboxing pushes whole body fitness for health as well as mental fitness. If you’re having a hard time deciding which kind of cardio and strength training is best for you, […]

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man lifting kettle bells

4 Things You Should Expect from Fitness Boot Camp

The term “boot camp” brings up images of hardcore training and a drill instructor style coach yelling at a line of people to work harder and get that sweat. There’s an intensity about it, which is part of both the appeal and the intimidation. If you’re signing up for a fitness boot camp, you’re doing […]

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