
Get ready to channel your inner playground champion with our exhilarating new Workout of the Day (WOD) – “Dodgeball”! This high-octane group fitness experience in Santa Clara combines the nostalgic fun of a classic game with the intensity of a serious workout session. Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or just dipping your toes into the fitness world, “Dodgeball” at the Academy of Self Defense will push your limits and leave you feeling energized, accomplished, and part of a supportive community.

Why “Dodgeball”?

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of this GRIT fitness program workout, let’s talk about why “Dodgeball” is more than just a fun name. This WOD is designed to:

  1. Boost cardiovascular endurance
  2. Enhance full-body strength
  3. Improve agility and coordination
  4. Foster a team spirit
  5. Burn calories while having a blast

The Workout Breakdown

Now, let’s break down the “Dodgeball” WOD. Remember, our experienced instructors at the Academy of Self Defense are always on hand to guide you through proper form and offer modifications if needed.

  1. Ball Slams (20 reps) Start with a bang! Ball slams get your heart pumping and prime your muscles for action. Focus on engaging your core and using your whole body to generate power.
  2. Medicine Ball Push-Ups (10 reps) These aren’t your average push-ups. Placing your hands on a medicine ball challenges your stability and engages your core like never before.
  3. Wall Balls (20 reps) A CrossFit favorite, wall balls build explosive power in your legs and shoulders while testing your hand-eye coordination.
  4. Medicine Ball Burpees (10 reps) Prepare to feel the burn! This full-body movement will skyrocket your heart rate and test your endurance.
  5. Medicine Ball Squats (20 reps) Hold that medicine ball close to your chest as you perform deep squats. Your legs and core will thank you later (maybe not immediately, though!).
  6. Wall Ball Partner Sit-Ups (20 reps) Team up for this one! Pass the medicine ball back and forth with a partner as you perform sit-ups. It’s a great way to build camaraderie while working those abs.
  7. Wall Ball Squat Tosses (20 reps) Finish strong with this total body movement. Squat down with the ball, then explode upward, launching the ball as high as you can.

Modifications and Home Workout Options

Can’t make it to our group fitness class in Santa Clara? No worries! Here are some ways to modify the “Dodgeball” WOD for a home workout:

  • Replace medicine balls with a backpack filled with books
  • Substitute wall balls with squat jumps while holding your weighted backpack
  • For wall ball partner sit-ups, try Russian twists with your makeshift weight

Remember, the key is to keep moving and challenge yourself, regardless of your equipment or location.

Tips for Maximum Results

  1. Warm up properly: Spend 5-10 minutes doing light cardio and dynamic stretches before diving into the WOD.
  2. Stay hydrated: Keep water handy and take small sips between exercises.
  3. Focus on form: Quality reps are more important than quantity. If you’re unsure, ask one of our knowledgeable instructors for guidance.
  4. Pace yourself: “Dodgeball” is intense. It’s okay to take brief rests if needed.
  5. Cool down and stretch: Don’t skip this crucial step for recovery and flexibility.

Join the GRIT Community

The “Dodgeball” WOD is just one example of the innovative, fun, and effective workouts we offer in our GRIT program at the Academy of Self Defense. Our group fitness classes in Santa Clara are designed to challenge you, support you, and help you achieve your fitness goals.

Ready to dodge your way to better fitness? Sign up for a free trial class and experience the energy, community, and results of our GRIT program firsthand. Don’t just watch from the sidelines – jump in and see how much fun getting fit can be!

Remember to share your “Dodgeball” experience on social media using #ASDDodgeballWOD and #GRITfitness. We can’t wait to see you crush this workout! CopyRetry