Yard Work

Looking for a workout that combines strength, endurance, and real-world functional movements? Our Yard Work Workout of the Day (WOD) mimics the challenges of heavy yard work, pushing you to your limits with practical, powerful exercises. Perfect for all fitness levels, this WOD will help you build muscle, improve cardiovascular fitness, and enhance your overall functional strength.

What’s a WOD?

A Workout of the Day (WOD) is a varied and intense exercise session designed to target multiple muscle groups and boost your overall fitness. The GRIT program at the Academy of Self Defense in Santa Clara offers these dynamic workouts to keep you motivated and progressing. Today’s Yard Work WOD focuses on practical, functional movements that mimic real-life tasks, making you stronger and more resilient.

Today’s WOD: Yard Work

You’ll complete the following circuit twice, aiming for the best possible time. Here’s what’s included:

  1. 25 Reps on Rowing Machine
    Engage your entire body with rowing, targeting your legs, back, and arms while giving your cardiovascular system a solid workout. If you don’t have access to a rowing machine, substitute with 25 burpees for a similar full-body cardio challenge.
  2. 3 Farmers Lap
    Carry heavy weights (like dumbbells, kettlebells, or heavy buckets) around a predetermined distance. This exercise builds grip strength, core stability, and overall endurance.
  3. 30 Sledges
    Using a sledgehammer, strike a tire or heavy object 30 times. This move is excellent for building explosive strength and conditioning your upper body and core.
  4. 3 Fireman Laps
    Carry a heavy object (like a sandbag, heavy bag, or even a weighted backpack) over your shoulders and complete three laps around a set course. This will test your strength, endurance, and stability.
  5. 5 Dynamax Ball Tosses Over Fence
    Use a medicine ball to toss over a fence or a high bar, retrieving it each time. This exercise targets your entire body, focusing on explosive power and coordination.

Modifications and Equipment Alternatives

  • Rowing Machine: If unavailable, perform 25 burpees or substitute with high knees or jumping jacks for a cardio-intensive alternative.
  • Farmers Lap: Use any heavy, carryable objects like filled water jugs, heavy bags, or even DIY sandbags.
  • Sledges: Use a weighted bar or perform overhead slams with a medicine ball.
  • Fireman Laps: Substitute with bear hugs using any heavy object or carry a heavy backpack.
  • Dynamax Ball Tosses: If you don’t have a fence, use a high bar or simply perform high throws and catches with a medicine ball.

Tips for Maximizing Your Workout

  1. Warm Up: Start with 5-10 minutes of light cardio and dynamic stretching to prepare your muscles and joints.
  2. Form First: Focus on maintaining proper form to avoid injuries and ensure you’re getting the most out of each movement.
  3. Pace Yourself: While this is a time-based workout, don’t sacrifice form for speed. Find a steady pace that allows you to complete the exercises safely.
  4. Hydrate: Keep water nearby and take sips throughout the workout to stay hydrated.
  5. Cool Down: Finish with a cooldown session, including static stretches and deep breathing to aid recovery.

Join the Community

Share your Yard Work WOD experience on social media, and tag us to connect with our supportive fitness community. Let’s inspire each other to keep pushing forward!

Ready to tackle the Yard Work WOD? Sign up for a free trial class at the Academy of Self Defense in Santa Clara or join our online community for more challenging workouts. Visit our website to start your fitness journey today!