Whiskey #04

Get ready for a heart-pounding, muscle-building workout with our Whiskey #004 Workout of the Day (WOD). This AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) session is designed to push your limits and deliver maximum results in a short amount of time. Whether you’re a beginner or a fitness pro, this workout will challenge your endurance, strength, and agility.

What’s an AMRAP WOD?

An AMRAP workout challenges you to complete as many rounds of a specific set of exercises as possible within a set time frame. This format keeps you moving and motivated, ensuring a high-intensity workout that maximizes calorie burn and muscle engagement. The GRIT program at the Academy of Self Defense in Santa Clara offers these dynamic workouts to keep our community motivated and progressing.

Today’s WOD: Whiskey #004

Set your timer and get ready for an intense session. You’ll perform the following exercises in sequence, aiming to complete as many rounds as possible within your chosen time limit (typically 20-30 minutes). Here’s the breakdown:

  1. 5 Sprints
    Sprint for a short distance (approximately 20-30 meters) to get your heart rate up and legs pumping. If indoors, perform high knees or shuttle runs.
  2. 10 Wrestler Sit Outs
    From a tabletop position, kick one leg out to the side while rotating your body, then return to the starting position. This move targets your core, shoulders, and hips.
  3. 15 TRX Bicep Curls
    Using TRX straps, lean back and curl your body towards your hands, focusing on your biceps. Adjust your body angle to increase or decrease the difficulty.
  4. 20 Quarter Squats
    Perform shallow squats, stopping at about a quarter of the way down. This move targets your quads and helps build explosive strength.
  5. 15 Bag Strikes
    Use a punching bag or a pad to perform quick, powerful strikes. Focus on speed and technique to work your upper body and core.
  6. 10 Push-Ups
    Engage your chest, shoulders, and triceps with classic push-ups. Modify by performing on your knees if needed.
  7. 5 Box Jumps
    Jump onto a sturdy box or platform, then step back down. This plyometric move boosts explosive power and agility.

Modifications and Equipment Alternatives

  • Sprints: Substitute with high knees, shuttle runs, or fast jogging in place if space is limited.
  • Wrestler Sit Outs: Perform from a standing position by kicking one leg out to the side while rotating your upper body.
  • TRX Bicep Curls: Use resistance bands or light dumbbells for bicep curls if TRX straps are unavailable.
  • Quarter Squats: Perform regular bodyweight squats if you need a deeper range of motion.
  • Bag Strikes: Shadow boxing or air punches can be used as alternatives.
  • Push-Ups: Perform against a wall or on your knees for a modified version.
  • Box Jumps: Step-ups onto a bench or sturdy chair can replace box jumps if needed.

Tips for Maximizing Your Workout

  1. Warm Up: Start with 5-10 minutes of light cardio and dynamic stretches to prepare your muscles and joints.
  2. Focus on Form: Ensure you maintain proper form to prevent injuries and maximize the effectiveness of each movement.
  3. Pace Yourself: Find a steady pace that allows you to keep moving without burning out too quickly.
  4. Stay Hydrated: Keep water nearby and take sips throughout the workout to stay hydrated.
  5. Cool Down: Finish with a cooldown session, including static stretching to aid recovery and reduce muscle soreness.

Join the Community

Share your Whiskey #004 WOD experience on social media and tag us to connect with our supportive fitness community. Let’s inspire each other to keep pushing forward!

Ready to tackle the Whiskey #004 WOD? Sign up for a free trial class at the Academy of Self Defense in Santa Clara or join our online community for more challenging workouts. Visit our website to start your fitness journey today!