Side Hustle

Unleash Your Inner Ninja with the SIDE HUSTLE Workout!

Are you ready to kickstart your day with a burst of energy? Join Coach Ilya for the exhilarating SIDE HUSTLE workout at the Academy of Self Defense in Santa Clara, CA, today at 10 am.

Breaking Down SIDE HUSTLE:

This workout is designed to ignite your inner ninja and leave you feeling unstoppable.

  • 20 Side Kicks: Begin with 20 powerful side kicks. Feel your legs engage as you unleash your inner strength.
  • 20 Deadlifts: Transition smoothly into 20 deadlifts. It’s all about building that lower body strength.
  • 20 Oblique V-Ups: Get those abs working with 20 oblique V-ups. Strengthen your core and feel the burn.
  • 100 Jump Ropes: Elevate your heart rate with 100 jump ropes. It’s cardio time!
  • 20 KB Clean & Press: Grab that kettlebell and conquer 20 clean & press reps. Your shoulders will thank you.
  • 10 Ninja Squat Jumps: Finish strong with 10 explosive ninja squat jumps. Reach for the sky and land like a ninja.

Join the SIDE HUSTLE Movement:

  • When: Today at 10 am
  • Where: Academy of Self Defense, Santa Clara, CA
  • Who: Everyone ready to embrace their inner ninja and take on the SIDE HUSTLE challenge!

Coach Ilya will guide you through every kick, lift, and jump, ensuring you have a blast while getting fit. The SIDE HUSTLE workout is your secret weapon for a high-energy day. Join us today at 9 am and discover the ninja within!