
Unleash Your Inner Strength with Today’s GRIT WOD: Gorilla Edition!

Ready for a workout that pushes your limits and keeps you coming back for more? The Gorilla WOD at the Academy of Self Defense is designed to enhance strength, agility, and endurance while giving you a full-body challenge. Whether you’re new to fitness or a seasoned athlete, this workout will hit every major muscle group. Plus, it’s fun and accessible with plenty of modifications for every skill level. Let’s break it down!

What is the Gorilla WOD?

This workout is packed with dynamic movements inspired by functional training. You’ll move through bodyweight exercises, kettlebell work, and punches, all while challenging your coordination and control. It’s perfect for building raw strength, improving endurance, and sharpening your reflexes. Expect to burn calories and sculpt muscle with every rep.

Here’s how it goes:

The Gorilla WOD:

  1. 10 Gorilla Rows
    Get low and strong. Using either a kettlebell or dumbbell, row with power, engaging your core and lats. Keep your back straight, knees bent, and think of it as an animalistic pull toward your hip.
  2. 20 Mountain Climbers
    Feel the burn in your core and legs. Alternate driving your knees toward your chest while keeping your hands firm on the ground, in a plank position. These quick-paced movements boost cardio endurance and strengthen your lower body.
  3. 10 Gorilla Chest Press
    Lying on the floor or bench, press the weight above your chest, focusing on a slow, controlled movement. Your chest, triceps, and shoulders will get a solid workout here.
  4. 20 Oblique Crunches
    Target those side abs! Lie down with knees bent, then twist your torso to bring one elbow toward the opposite knee, alternating sides. This is a great way to work on core stability and definition.
  5. 10 Gorilla Cleans
    Start with a kettlebell or dumbbell, then explosively pull it from the floor to shoulder height, using your hips to drive power. This movement is all about strength and speed—building powerful legs, shoulders, and grip strength.
  6. 20 4 Punch + Sprawl
    Throw four fast punches, then drop into a sprawl (similar to a burpee without the jump). This exercise adds an MMA-inspired touch to your workout, mixing striking with explosive ground movement.
  7. 10 Gorilla Shoulder Press
    Standing tall, press the kettlebell or dumbbell from your shoulder straight up overhead. Focus on maintaining a tight core to keep your balance and protect your back. This will help develop strong, stable shoulders.
  8. 20 Single Arm Kettlebell Swings
    Grip the kettlebell with one hand and swing it between your legs before thrusting your hips forward to propel it up to shoulder height. Alternate hands to engage both sides. It’s an excellent move for total body power and cardiovascular conditioning.

Modifications for All Levels:

  • Beginners: Reduce the number of reps to make the workout more manageable (e.g., 5 Gorilla rows instead of 10). Perform exercises like mountain climbers and cleans at a slower pace, focusing on form.
  • Advanced: Add heavier weights to the rows, cleans, and presses to increase intensity. You can also increase the number of reps or do the mountain climbers faster to challenge your cardio endurance.

If you’re working out at home, don’t worry! Swap kettlebells for dumbbells or any weighted object (water bottles, bags of rice, etc.). For exercises like the 4-punch sprawl, just visualize a punching bag and get into the mindset of quick, powerful strikes!

Maximize Your Results:

To get the most from today’s WOD, make sure you’re warming up properly with some light cardio and dynamic stretches (focus on loosening up your shoulders, hips, and core). Maintain good form throughout the workout—this prevents injury and targets the right muscles. Afterward, cool down with stretches to boost recovery and keep your muscles flexible. Remember, consistency is key. Share your progress with our community and stay motivated!

Join the GRIT Family

Why tackle this alone when you can be part of a thriving fitness community? At the Academy of Self Defense, we’re here to help you every step of the way, whether you’re smashing goals or need some extra motivation. Grab a friend, sign up for a free trial class, and experience the camaraderie and energy that comes from training with others who are as dedicated as you are!

Let’s crush this together!