12 Minute Madness

WOD: 12 Minute Madness

Looking for a fast and furious workout to light up your whole body? Today’s 12 Minute Madness is the perfect EMOM (Every Minute on the Minute) challenge to test your strength, endurance, and mental toughness. In just 12 minutes, you’ll feel like you’ve done an hour of work—perfect for those who want maximum results in minimum time!

The Breakdown:

This EMOM-style workout requires you to perform a set of exercises every minute. The challenge? The number of reps increases each round, so the faster you finish, the more rest you get before the next minute starts! Here’s what you’ll do:

  1. Ground to Sky (add one each round)
    Start with 1 rep in the first minute, then increase by one rep every minute (1, 2, 3, etc.). In this move, you’ll pick something up from the ground (like a kettlebell, sandbag, or just bodyweight), press it overhead, and return it to the ground. It’s a total-body move that’ll fire up your legs, core, and shoulders.
  2. 1 Burpee
    Burpees are the ultimate full-body movement. They get your heart rate up quickly and work every muscle. Don’t worry—you only have to do 1 each minute (but they’ll feel tougher as the workout progresses!).
  3. Sit-ups to complete the minute
    After finishing your Ground to Sky and Burpee, fill the remaining time with sit-ups. These will hammer your core and add intensity as you fight the clock.


  • Beginners: Start with a lighter weight for Ground to Sky or even just use bodyweight. Take your time with the burpees, and if needed, do them step-by-step instead of jumping. Focus on quality form for sit-ups, and reduce the total number if needed.
  • Advanced: Go heavy on your Ground to Sky reps and push for maximum speed on the sit-ups. You can also add a jump to your Ground to Sky movement to really push your explosive power!

How to Maximize Your WOD:

  • Pace Yourself: With each round, you’ll need to do one more Ground to Sky rep. By minute 6, you’ll be doing 6 reps, plus a burpee, plus sit-ups. Start at a strong but manageable pace so you can maintain intensity throughout.
  • Form is Key: For Ground to Sky, keep your back flat when picking up the weight and press through your legs and core as you lift overhead. With burpees, focus on controlled landings to avoid putting too much strain on your joints.
  • Recover Smart: Use the few seconds of rest between rounds to shake out your muscles and take deep breaths. These mini-recoveries are crucial to keep pushing through all 12 minutes.

Finishing Strong:

Once you hit minute 12, you’ll have done 12 Ground to Sky reps, 1 burpee, and as many sit-ups as you can squeeze into the remaining time. Don’t forget to cool down with some gentle stretches and hydrate well after this fast-paced workout.

Ready to Test Yourself?

12 Minute Madness is the perfect test of strength, stamina, and grit. Whether you’re at the Academy of Self Defense or working out at home, you’ll feel accomplished after this one! Want more like this? Come join our GRIT program in Santa Clara, where you’ll experience innovative group fitness classes designed to push you past your limits! Start a free trial today!

Remember to tag us @academyselfdefense on social media to share your experience—let’s see how you handle 12 minutes of madness!