Get ready for today’s GRIT Workout of the Day (WOD) with a blend of strength, power, and mobility. Whether you’re a fitness newbie or a seasoned pro, this WOD is going to challenge your endurance, core strength, and explosiveness. Let’s break it down:
Round 1: Peach Pie
Start off with a core and leg burner that will fire up those quads and abs while keeping your upper body engaged.
- 16 TRX Pistol Squats: Targeting each leg individually, these build serious strength and balance. No TRX? Modify by using a chair or wall for balance support.
- 16 Power Punches: Focus on explosive punches, alternating hands while keeping your core tight. Speed and power are key!
- 8 V-Ups: Engage your entire core as you bring your legs and upper body together in this ab-scorching move.
Repeat 3 times, then finish with 50 Kettlebell Swings to activate the hips and boost your endurance.
Round 2: Keep Up the Momentum
This round mixes dynamic squats, core work, and some powerful kicks.
- 8 Deck Squats: Full-body strength and coordination. Roll back, come up into a squat, and power up to standing.
- 16 Head Kicks: Bring that martial arts vibe into your workout. These kicks work flexibility, core, and explosive leg strength.
- 16 Crunches: Focus on form here—engage your core as you crunch up, without straining your neck.
Complete 3 sets, then swing that kettlebell again for 50 Swings.
Round 3: Strong Finish
Finish off with a heavy focus on core stability and upper-body power.
- 16 Goblet Squats (hold at the bottom): Feel the burn as you hold for a second or two at the bottom of each squat. This builds leg strength and stability.
- 16 Power Hooks: Engage your core as you throw these power-packed hooks. Work on speed and precision!
- 16 Spider-Man Planks: These planks target your core and obliques while also improving shoulder stability. Bring your knee toward your elbow on each side.
Complete 3 rounds and finish strong with 50 more Kettlebell Swings to wrap up this killer workout.
Tips for Success:
- Warm-up well: Spend 5-10 minutes getting your body ready for these dynamic moves. Jumping jacks, bodyweight squats, and shoulder mobility drills are great options.
- Focus on form: Keep your back straight on those squats and swings, and ensure each punch or kick comes from your core for maximum power.
- Modify as needed: If the pistol squats are too tough, use a chair or bench for support. No kettlebell? Use any weight you have at home, or switch to air squats for a great alternative.
- Stay hydrated: Keep water nearby and sip throughout the workout.
- Cool down: Finish with some deep stretches to loosen up those tight muscles.
Whether you’re looking to improve strength, boost endurance, or just break a sweat, today’s GRIT WOD has you covered. Don’t forget to share your progress on social media and tag us to connect with our fitness community. Ready to take your training to the next level? Sign up for a free class at the Academy of Self Defense today!