Grit Punk

GRIT WOD Breakdown: Unleash Your Strength and Endurance

Get ready for a high-energy workout that will push your limits and get your heart pumping! Today’s GRIT WOD combines powerful movements to build strength, endurance, and agility, blending kettlebell exercises with combat-style training and core work. This WOD is designed for all fitness levels, so whether you’re just starting out or looking to amp up your routine, you can jump right in and crush it!

What’s on the GRIT WOD Menu:

  1. Kettlebell Swings
    Kettlebell swings are the ultimate power move, working your core, hips, and legs while boosting your heart rate. Keep your form solid—hinge at the hips and swing that kettlebell up to shoulder height.
    Reps: 20 swings
    Modification: Use a lighter kettlebell or reduce the range of motion if you’re a beginner.
  2. Bicycles (Abdominal)
    Time to target those abs! Lying flat on your back, bring opposite elbow to knee in a controlled motion. Focus on engaging your core throughout.
    Reps: 20 total (10 each side)
    Modification: Perform slower or keep feet closer to the ground if needed.
  3. Punches and Kicks
    Unleash your inner fighter! Alternating punches and kicks, keep your hands up and focus on quick, sharp movements. This is great for cardio and coordination.
    Duration: 1 minute
    Modification: Go at your own pace or perform just punches.
  4. Figure 8s / Halos
    Strengthen your shoulders and core with kettlebell figure 8s (weaving the weight between your legs) and halos (circling the kettlebell around your head). These moves improve mobility and stability.
    Reps: 10 figure 8s + 10 halos
    Modification: Stick with just halos if figure 8s feel too complex.
  5. CSP (Cross-Body Single Punches)
    Focus on power and precision. CSPs involve a cross-body punch while engaging your core and stabilizing your lower body.
    Reps: 20 total (10 each side)
    Modification: Slow down the movement or reduce intensity if needed.
  6. Plank Kickouts
    From a plank position, kick each leg out to the side while keeping your core tight. This move not only works your abs but also challenges your balance and shoulder stability.
    Reps: 20 total (10 each side)
    Modification: Hold a regular plank if the kickouts are too challenging.
  7. Knees and Elbows
    Finish strong with a core crusher! Standing or kneeling, bring your knee up to meet your elbow in a controlled motion. This is perfect for activating your obliques and core stabilizers.
    Reps: 20 total (10 each side)
    Modification: Perform seated elbow-to-knee touches for a lower-impact version.

Maximize Your Workout

  • Warm-Up Tip: Before you get started, spend 5-10 minutes warming up with some light cardio (like jogging or jump ropes) and dynamic stretches. This will get your blood flowing and muscles ready to work!
  • Focus on Form: Whether you’re swinging kettlebells or throwing punches, maintaining proper form is key. This not only helps you get the most out of each movement but also prevents injury.
  • Cool Down: After finishing the WOD, take a few minutes to stretch and cool down your muscles. Focus on deep breathing and stretches for the legs, arms, and shoulders.

Join the GRIT Community!

Want to take your fitness to the next level with expert coaching and a supportive community? Sign up for a free trial at the Academy of Self Defense in Santa Clara today! Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned athlete, the GRIT program will help you reach your goals.

Let’s crush this WOD together! Don’t forget to share your progress with us on social media. Tag @academyselfdefense and use the hashtag #GRITWOD. Let’s inspire each other to keep pushing our limits!