Double Mint Gum

WOD: Double Mint Gum

Ready for a workout that brings the minty freshness of intensity to your day? Double Mint Gum is packed with explosive strength moves and endurance challenges. This WOD blends a mix of punches, cleans, and thrusters to get your heart racing while building functional fitness. You’ll feel the burn, but the results will be oh-so-sweet!

Workout Breakdown:

Each exercise in this WOD is performed in descending reps, finishing off with a grueling bear crawl lap to wrap it all up. Here’s what’s on deck:

  1. 100 Straight Punches
    Feel the power in every punch. Quick, strong jabs to keep your heart rate up and your arms burning.
  2. 50 Crunches
    Strengthen your core with these crunches. Focus on contracting your abs with each rep for maximum impact.
  3. 40 Double Cleans (Kettlebells or Dumbbells)
    Engage your whole body as you clean those weights up. This is a full-body strength movement that works your legs, core, and shoulders.
  4. 30 Guard Punches
    Get in your fighting stance and throw 30 quick punches from your guard. Keep your hands high, and stay light on your feet.
  5. 20 Box Jumps
    Explosive power time! Jump onto a box or sturdy surface to engage your legs and core.
  6. 10 Double Kettlebell Thrusters
    A full-body powerhouse! Squat low and press those kettlebells overhead in one smooth motion. This will test your strength and endurance.
  7. 5 Burpees
    Just 5—but they’re no joke. Burpees will get your heart pumping and engage every major muscle group.
  8. 1 Lap Bear Crawl (with Ball)
    Finish strong with a bear crawl lap, keeping a ball between your legs or hands. This is the ultimate test of your grit and determination!

Tips for Success:

  • Focus on Form: Keep your punches tight and your cleans powerful. For box jumps, land softly to protect your knees.
  • Pace Yourself: With 100 punches and 50 crunches to start, don’t burn out too early. Maintain a steady rhythm so you can crush the entire workout.
  • Breathe: Proper breathing will help you push through those kettlebell thrusters and burpees.

Ready to sweeten your strength game? Grab your kettlebells and meet us on the mat. See you soon! Not a member yet, sign up for a free two week trial.