Strengthen Your Core with Core 3 WOD
Get ready to focus on your core strength and stability with today’s workout: Core 3. The GRIT program at the Academy of Self Defense in Santa Clara brings you a comprehensive routine designed to target your core muscles while incorporating full-body movements to boost your overall fitness. Suitable for all fitness levels, this workout will leave your core feeling strong and engaged.
What to Expect in Today’s WOD
Core 3 is structured to target your core muscles through a series of varied exercises, ensuring a balanced and effective workout. This routine also includes elements to work your upper and lower body, enhancing overall strength and coordination.
Workout Structure:
1. 20x Pull Through:
- Engage your core and improve stability by pulling a weight or resistance band from one side of your body to the other.
2. 20x Legs Up and Over:
- Lie on your back with your legs straight up and move them side to side over an object, targeting your lower abs and obliques.
3. 20x Deadbugs:
- A classic core exercise where you lie on your back, extend one arm and the opposite leg, and alternate, ensuring to keep your lower back pressed into the floor.
4. 20x Closed Clams:
- Lie on your side with your knees bent and feet together, opening and closing your knees to work your glutes and hip muscles.
5. 20x Suitcase Squats:
- Hold a weight like a suitcase in one hand and perform squats, engaging your core for balance and stability.
6. 20x Jump Knee Tucks:
- Explosive movement where you jump and tuck your knees towards your chest, focusing on your core and lower body.
7. 100x Jump Ropes:
- Improve your cardiovascular fitness and coordination with jump ropes.
8. 20x Bicep Curls:
- Strengthen your biceps with controlled curls using dumbbells or resistance bands.
9. 20x TRX Wide and Narrow Rows:
- Use a TRX or suspension trainer to perform rows, alternating between a wide grip and a narrow grip to target different parts of your back and shoulders.
10. Row Machine: – Finish with a set distance or time on the rowing machine to improve cardiovascular fitness and full-body endurance.
Exercise Modifications and Equipment Alternatives
If you don’t have access to specific equipment, here are some modifications:
- Pull Through: Use a resistance band or a dumbbell.
- Legs Up and Over: Use any object as a barrier to lift your legs over.
- Deadbugs: No equipment needed; focus on form.
- Closed Clams: No equipment needed; adjust intensity as required.
- Suitcase Squats: Use a dumbbell, water jug, or any heavy household item.
- Jump Knee Tucks: No equipment needed; modify with high knees if necessary.
- Jump Ropes: Substitute with high knees if you don’t have a jump rope.
- Bicep Curls: Use resistance bands or any weighted item like water bottles.
- TRX Rows: Substitute with bent-over rows using dumbbells or resistance bands.
- Row Machine: Substitute with high-intensity cardio like running or cycling if you don’t have access to a rower.
Tips for Maximizing Your Workout
- Warm-Up: Start with 5-10 minutes of light cardio and dynamic stretches to prepare your muscles and joints.
- Focus on Form: Proper technique is crucial to prevent injuries and ensure you’re getting the most out of each exercise.
- Pace Yourself: Maintain a steady pace to complete all sets effectively.
- Stay Hydrated: Keep water handy and take sips during brief rest periods.
- Cool Down: Finish with a cool-down session, including static stretches to aid muscle recovery and improve flexibility.
Join the Community
We love seeing your progress! Share your Core 3 workout experience on social media and tag the Academy of Self Defense. Let’s inspire and motivate each other to reach our fitness goals.
Ready to experience the power of the GRIT program firsthand? Sign up for a free trial class today and join our online community for more dynamic and challenging workouts.