ASD Blust

Get Ready to Tackle the ASD Blust WOD!

Prepare yourself for an explosive workout with the ASD Blust WOD! This routine combines strength, cardio, and conditioning to push your body to new levels of fitness. With three intense rounds of exercises and challenging inter-round movements, this WOD is perfect for anyone looking to build power, endurance, and overall strength.

ASD Blust WOD Breakdown:

Main Circuit – 3 Rounds: 25-15-10 Reps

  • Swings: Start strong with kettlebell swings. Engage your hips and core, driving the kettlebell up to shoulder height with powerful, controlled movements. This exercise will fire up your glutes, hamstrings, and core.
  • Rows: Target your back and biceps with rows. Whether you’re using dumbbells, a barbell, or a resistance band, focus on pulling your elbows close to your body and squeezing your shoulder blades together.
  • Clean & Press: Combine strength and explosiveness with the clean and press. Pull the weight from the ground (or your starting position), clean it to your shoulders, and press overhead. This compound movement works your entire body.
  • Suitcase Deadlifts: Hold weights in each hand like suitcases and perform deadlifts. Keep your back straight and engage your core as you lower and lift the weights, focusing on your hamstrings and glutes.
  • Box Jumps: Get your heart pumping with box jumps. Jump onto a sturdy box or platform, landing softly on your feet, and step back down to repeat. This plyometric move enhances lower-body power and explosiveness.
  • Elevated Push-Ups: Target your chest, shoulders, and triceps with elevated push-ups. Place your hands on a raised surface (like a box or bench) and perform push-ups with perfect form, lowering your chest to the surface and pushing back up.

Inter-Round Movements (Between Each Round):

  • Jump Rope – 100 Reps: Grab your jump rope and get your heart rate soaring with 100 quick jumps. Keep your movements light and quick, focusing on rhythm and control.
  • Leg Lifts – 50 Reps: Hit the mat and perform 50 leg lifts to target your lower abs. Keep your lower back pressed into the ground and lift your legs slowly, controlling the movement to maximize the burn.
  • Pull-Ups – 10 Reps: Finish the inter-round with 10 pull-ups. Whether you’re using an overhand or underhand grip, focus on full range of motion—chin over the bar and controlled lowering.

Modifications & Tips:

  • New to box jumps? Step-ups are a great alternative to build confidence and strength.
  • Struggling with pull-ups? Use a resistance band for assistance or substitute with inverted rows.
  • Maximize Your Workout: Focus on smooth transitions between exercises to maintain intensity. Take short breaks between rounds if needed, but aim to keep your pace consistent.

Push Your Limits

The ASD Blust WOD is a full-body challenge that’s designed to test your strength, endurance, and mental toughness. With each round, you’ll feel the burn and know you’re getting stronger. Remember to warm up properly before you start, and cool down and stretch after to aid recovery.

Join the GRIT Movement

We’d love to see you in action! Share your ASD Blust WOD experience on social media by tagging @AcademySelfDefense and using #GRITWOD. Looking for a supportive community that will help you crush your fitness goals? Join the GRIT program at the Academy of Self Defense in Santa Clara. Sign up for a free trial class today and discover the power of community-driven fitness!