Grit Mobility / Grit Core 2

Strengthen and Stretch with Today’s GRIT WOD: Mobility & Core II

Are you ready to elevate your fitness game while focusing on the often-overlooked fundamentals? Today’s GRIT Mobility/Core II WOD at the Academy of Self Defense combines mobility work and core strength training in one balanced workout. This 35-minute session focuses on improving flexibility, stability, and core strength—key elements for any well-rounded fitness routine.

Whether you’re new to fitness or a seasoned athlete, this session will help you move better, feel better, and build serious core power. Let’s break it down.

Why Mobility Matters

Mobility is crucial for injury prevention, improving range of motion, and enhancing overall performance. Spending time to stretch and mobilize your joints and muscles can help you lift heavier, move faster, and recover quicker. In the first 15 minutes of this workout, you’ll focus on dynamic stretches and exercises that target tight areas like hips, shoulders, and hamstrings. You’ll feel more limber and ready to crush the second half of the workout!

The GRIT Mobility/Core II Breakdown

  1. 15:00 Mobility Work
    For the first 15 minutes, you’ll focus on stretching and lengthening key muscle groups.
    Here’s what you can expect:
    • Hip Openers: Perfect for loosening tight hip flexors, improving squat depth, and reducing lower back strain.
    • Shoulder Mobility Drills: Designed to increase range of motion and improve posture.
    • Dynamic Hamstring Stretches: These will help loosen up tight hamstrings, boosting flexibility and reducing injury risk.
    • Spinal Twists: To open up the spine and improve rotational movement for better posture and core engagement.
    Feel free to grab a resistance band or foam roller to enhance these stretches. Keep your breathing steady and controlled, focusing on releasing tension with every exhale.
  2. 20:00 Weighted Core Work
    Once you’re feeling limber and mobile, it’s time to power through 20 minutes of intense core work. Today’s workout involves weights, adding an extra challenge to your core stability and strength.Here’s what you’ll tackle:
    • Weighted Sit-Ups: Holding a dumbbell or plate close to your chest, engage your abs to lift up. Slow and controlled movements will help maximize the burn.
    • Russian Twists with a Weight: Sitting on the floor with your knees bent, twist your torso side to side while holding a weight. This targets your obliques for a more defined waistline.
    • Weighted Planks: With a weight plate on your back, hold a plank for as long as possible, focusing on keeping your hips in line and your core tight.
    • Weighted Leg Raises: Hold a light dumbbell between your feet and raise your legs to challenge the lower abs. This will build incredible strength in the lower core.
    • Overhead Dumbbell Crunches: Holding a dumbbell or plate overhead, perform crunches. This engages the upper abs while testing your shoulder stability.

Modifications and At-Home Options:

  • Beginners: Start with bodyweight-only movements if you’re new to weighted core work, or use lighter weights. Focus on your form and engage your core on every rep. You can also shorten the plank duration to 20-30 seconds as you build strength.
  • Advanced: Use heavier weights for each exercise, or increase the time spent on planks to test your endurance and core stability. You can also add more reps or extra sets if you’re feeling ambitious!

If you’re working out at home and don’t have weights, grab household items like water bottles, laundry detergent bottles, or even a backpack filled with books. Remember, consistency is key to seeing progress, so get creative and keep pushing yourself!

Tips for Maximizing Your Workout:

  • Engage your core in every movement, especially during mobility work. This will not only improve your stability but also enhance your posture.
  • Control your breathing: Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth, especially during core exercises. This helps with stamina and ensures proper oxygen flow.
  • Warm-up & cool down: Make sure to get in some light cardio before the WOD to raise your heart rate and prime your muscles for action. After the workout, cool down with static stretches to improve recovery.

Don’t forget to hydrate and refuel after this core-crushing session. Your abs and back will thank you later!

Join the GRIT Fitness Community

This workout is more than just exercise; it’s about building long-term strength and flexibility. Want to take your fitness journey to the next level? The GRIT program at the Academy of Self Defense in Santa Clara is the perfect place to push your limits with a supportive community behind you. Try a free class today and discover the benefits of group fitness designed to make you stronger inside and out!