Vegas Vacation

Hit the Jackpot with Today’s WOD: Vegas Vacation!

Ready for a workout that hits the jackpot? Our “Vegas Vacation” WOD is designed to push your limits and leave you feeling like a winner. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned athlete, this workout offers something for everyone, enhancing your strength, endurance, and agility.

Workout Breakdown:

  1. Deadlifts & Burpee Over Kettlebell (3 Rounds)
    • 8 Deadlifts: Focus on form—keep your back straight and lift with your legs.
    • 8 Burpees over Kettlebell: Engage your core and hop over that kettlebell after each burpee.
  2. Chest Press & Power Punches (3 Rounds)
    • 10 Chest Press: If you’re at home, use dumbbells or even water bottles as weights.
    • 10 Power Punches (each side): Punch with power and control, keeping your core tight.
  3. Kettlebell Swings & Bicycles (3 Rounds)
    • 20 Kettlebell Swings: Use a weight you’re comfortable with to avoid straining your back.
    • 20 Bicycle Crunches: Focus on controlled movements to maximize core engagement.
  4. Double Shoulder Press & Roundhouse Kicks (3 Rounds)
    • 10 Double Shoulder Press: Keep your elbows in line with your shoulders as you press up.
    • 10 Roundhouse Kicks (each leg): Kick with precision, using your core and hips for power.

Tips for Success:

  • Warm-Up: Start with a light jog or jumping jacks to get your heart rate up.
  • Form First: Prioritize good form over speed to prevent injury.
  • Cool Down: Stretching post-workout helps with recovery and flexibility.

Join the Community! Share your workout experience with us on social media using the hashtag #GRITWOD and tag the Academy of Self Defense. Feeling inspired? Sign up for a free trial class today and experience the energy of our group fitness classes in Santa Clara.