Sweat and Smile

GRIT WOD: Sweat and Smile Your Way to Fitness

Looking for a workout that’s as challenging as it is rewarding? Today’s GRIT WOD at the Academy of Self Defense in Santa Clara is all about pushing your limits while having fun. This is a full-body workout designed to test your strength, endurance, and grit. Whether you’re new to fitness or a seasoned pro, this WOD has something for everyone, with modifications to match your fitness level.

WOD Overview: Sweat and Smile

This workout is a high-energy, 10-exercise circuit that will get your heart pumping and your muscles burning. Here’s what you’re in for:

  1. 25 Bicep Curls: Grab a pair of dumbbells and feel the burn as you sculpt those arms.
  2. 25 Kettlebell Swings: Engage your core and get your heart rate up with powerful swings.
  3. 25 KB Bulgarian Squats: Target your glutes and quads with these challenging squats.
  4. 25 Box Jumps: Build explosive strength and agility as you leap onto that box.
  5. 25 Push-Ups: A classic move that never gets old—focus on form for the best results.
  6. 25 Burpees: Combine cardio and strength in one of the most effective full-body exercises.
  7. 25 Sledgehammers: Slam away stress and work your entire upper body with sledgehammer strikes.
  8. 25 KB V-Ups: Strengthen your core with kettlebell-assisted V-ups for a killer ab workout.
  9. 25 Suitcase Squats: With a kettlebell in one hand, work your legs and core as you squat.
  10. 500-Meter Row: Finish strong with a rowing sprint to boost your endurance.

Modifications for All Levels

  • Beginners: Start with lighter weights and adjust reps as needed. Substitute step-ups for box jumps if you’re building confidence in your jumps.
  • Intermediate: Use moderate weights and focus on form. Try scaling the box jumps or lowering the height if needed.
  • Advanced: Challenge yourself with heavier weights and full-range motion. Go for speed on the row while maintaining power.

Tips for Success

  • Warm-Up: Spend 5-10 minutes warming up with dynamic stretches or light cardio to prepare your muscles.
  • Focus on Form: Quality over quantity—make sure each rep is performed with proper form to prevent injury.
  • Hydrate: Keep water nearby and take small sips throughout the workout to stay hydrated.
  • Cool Down: After completing the WOD, spend time cooling down with stretches to help with recovery.

Join the GRIT Community

At the Academy of Self Defense, we believe in sweating together and smiling through the challenge. Whether you’re tackling this WOD in class or at home, we encourage you to share your journey with us. Tag us on social media and show off your progress—let’s build this community stronger together!

Ready to take the next step? Sign up for a free trial class today and experience the power of GRIT firsthand. Let’s crush those fitness goals, one workout at a time.