Root Canal

Drill Down Your Strength with the Root Canal WOD!

Get ready to dig deep and power through today’s intense workout, the Root Canal WOD. This workout is designed to push your endurance, strength, and mental toughness to the limit. With two rounds of grueling exercises, each repeated three times, you’ll leave everything on the mat. Let’s break it down and get ready to work.

Root Canal WOD Breakdown:

First Circuit – 3 Rounds:

  • 8 Burpees: Start strong with burpees. Jump, drop to the ground, and explode back up for the next rep. Burpees are a full-body burner, so keep your form tight and your pace steady.
  • 12 Deadlifts: Move into deadlifts to fire up your posterior chain. Keep your back straight, hinge at the hips, and lift with power. Whether you’re using a barbell, kettlebells, or dumbbells, focus on keeping the movement controlled.
  • 20 Russian Twists: Time to target your core with Russian twists. Sit on the floor, lean back slightly, and twist side to side with a weight in hand. Keep your core engaged throughout to maximize the burn.
  • 100 Roundhouse Kicks: Finish the first circuit with 100 roundhouse kicks. Alternate legs, and focus on precision and power with each strike. This move not only works your lower body but also increases your heart rate.

Second Circuit – 3 Rounds:

  • 8 Sprawls: Start the second circuit with sprawls, a quick drop to the ground followed by a jump back to standing. This move is similar to burpees but focuses more on explosive movement and speed.
  • 12 CSP (Cleans, Squats, Presses): Perform a clean, follow it up with a squat, and finish with an overhead press. This full-body compound movement will test your strength and endurance.
  • 20 Hip Thrusters: Hit the glutes with hip thrusters. Lay on your back with your feet planted, lift your hips toward the ceiling, and squeeze your glutes at the top. You can add weight for more resistance.
  • 100 Punches: Wrap it up with 100 fast and furious punches. Focus on speed and form, driving each punch from your core.

Modifications & Tips:

  • New to these exercises? For burpees and sprawls, you can step back instead of jumping to reduce impact. For deadlifts and CSP, use lighter weights or no weight at all to focus on form.
  • Maximize Your Workout: Focus on quality over quantity, especially during high-rep sets like roundhouse kicks and punches. Break down the 100 reps into manageable sets if needed, and take short rests as necessary to maintain intensity.

Bring Your Best

The Root Canal WOD is designed to push you to your limits, testing your strength, endurance, and willpower. With a mix of strength, cardio, and core work, this workout is a full-body challenge that will leave you feeling accomplished. Remember to warm up before diving in, and cool down afterward to keep your muscles happy.

Join the GRIT Team

We want to see you in action! Share your Root Canal WOD experience on social media by tagging @AcademySelfDefense and using #GRITWOD. If you’re looking for a community that supports and challenges you, join the GRIT program at the Academy of Self Defense in Santa Clara. Sign up for a free trial class and see what you’re made of!