
Saddle Up for the Hoedown WOD!

Yeehaw! Today’s WOD, Hoedown, is a fast-paced mix of explosive movements and strength exercises designed to leave you feeling accomplished and strong. It’s all about quick transitions and powerful moves that challenge your whole body. No matter where you are in your fitness journey, this workout is crafted to push you to new heights.

Hoedown Breakdown:

  • 5 Grit Masters: Start strong with the Grit Masters, combining high-intensity burpees, a dynamic plank, and explosive jump squats. This exercise is a full-body powerhouse that will set the tone for the entire workout.
  • 20 Power Punches: Throw your strongest straight punches, focusing on speed and precision. Engage your core, rotate your hips, and keep those fists tight.
  • 8 TRX Pistol Squats: Get deep into your quads and glutes with this challenging single-leg squat using a TRX. Keep your movement controlled, focusing on balance and strength.
  • 20 Power Hooks: Time to unleash some power with hooks. Keep your form sharp, turning your body with each hook to maximize power and core engagement.
  • 8 Knuckle Push-ups: Feel like a true fighter with knuckle push-ups. Keep your body in a straight line and drive through those knuckles for added intensity.
  • 10 Power Knees: Drive your knees up forcefully while keeping your core tight. This explosive move targets your abs and lower body, adding a cardio element to the mix.
  • 20 Lateral Ski Hops: Finish strong with lateral ski hops. Jump from side to side like you’re skiing down a mountain. This will spike your heart rate and improve your agility.

Modifications & Tips:

  • New to TRX? If you don’t have access to TRX bands, perform regular single-leg squats or use a chair for support.
  • Knuckle Push-ups too intense? You can drop to your knees or perform traditional push-ups.
  • Maximize Your Workout: Focus on form, especially during the TRX pistol squats and knuckle push-ups. Keep movements explosive during the power punches and hooks.

Let’s Hit the Mat!

Each exercise in the Hoedown WOD is crafted to work multiple muscle groups while keeping your heart rate high. Remember to warm up properly and cool down to prevent injury. This WOD will not only build strength and endurance but also test your mental grit. Get ready to sweat!

Join Our GRIT Community

Show us how you tackle the Hoedown WOD! Share your workout photos and tag @AcademySelfDefense with #GRITWOD. If you’re looking for a fun, supportive community to keep you motivated, come check out a GRIT class at the Academy of Self Defense in Santa Clara. Sign up for a free trial and experience the energy for yourself!