
Get Ready for Today’s GRIT WOD: Power & Endurance Combo!

Looking to challenge your entire body? Today’s GRIT Workout of the Day (WOD) at the Academy of Self Defense in Santa Clara brings the heat! This session will build your strength, improve your endurance, and push your mental grit. Whether you’re just starting out or you’re an experienced athlete, this workout is designed to keep you on your toes. Let’s break it down and see what you’re in for!

Today’s GRIT WOD Breakdown:

  1. Chancellor Plank + Mountain Climber Arms
    Get ready to fire up your core with this combination! Hold a solid plank position while driving your knees toward your chest as if you’re doing mountain climbers, but with extra focus on arm engagement. This exercise torches your abs and shoulders at the same time.
  2. Hollow Hold + Bicycles
    The hollow hold keeps your core tight and active while bicycles ramp up the intensity by adding a cardio twist. Alternate touching opposite elbows to knees, while maintaining that hollow body shape. It’s the ultimate core burner!
  3. KB Squats + Overhead Press
    Time to work those legs and shoulders! Grab a kettlebell and squat down nice and deep, then drive up and press that kettlebell overhead. This combo is perfect for strengthening your lower body while also working on your shoulder stability and strength.
  4. Walking Lunges + Squat Thrusts
    Build those legs and boost your heart rate! Perform alternating walking lunges to strengthen your quads and glutes, and mix in squat thrusts to add some cardio punch. This combo challenges both balance and endurance.
  5. Breath Ups + Burpees
    Breath control meets full-body conditioning! Start with some controlled breath ups, then explode into burpees for an all-around calorie-burning blast. This is a great combo to test your cardiovascular endurance and improve recovery during high-intensity intervals.
  6. Dead Hangs + Rest
    Grip strength, meet recovery. Hang from a bar to build up your forearm and grip endurance, and then transition into your rest period. This exercise helps you maintain form while giving your heart rate a break before the next round.
  7. Sumo Squats + Upright Rows
    Finish strong! With wide-legged sumo squats paired with upright rows, you’ll be working your legs, glutes, and upper body. This movement helps improve hip flexibility while targeting your shoulders and traps.

Workout Structure:
Perform 4 rounds of the above exercises, with each movement lasting 45 seconds, followed by 15 seconds of rest. Complete all exercises before taking a 1-minute break between rounds.

Equipment Needed:

  • Kettlebell (or dumbbell if you’re at home)
  • Pull-up bar for dead hangs (you can substitute by holding onto a sturdy object)
  • A small amount of space for lunges and burpees

Modifications & Tips:

  • Beginner: If you’re new, feel free to slow down the pace or reduce the range of motion. For example, you can step back instead of jumping during burpees or perform push-ups on your knees.
  • Advanced: Add more intensity by increasing the weight of your kettlebell or shortening your rest periods. Make each burpee explosive with a jump at the top!

Pro Tips to Maximize Your WOD:

  • Focus on Form: Always prioritize your form. A well-done movement is more effective and less risky than rushing through the exercises.
  • Warm Up: Start with dynamic stretches and light cardio to get your muscles ready. Some jump ropes or high knees will do the trick.
  • Cool Down: After the WOD, take a few minutes to stretch, focusing on your hips, shoulders, and hamstrings. This will help speed up your recovery.

We love seeing your progress—don’t forget to share it on social media! Tag us @AcademySelfDefense and use the hashtag #GRITWOD to join the conversation. Let’s build strength and community together!

Ready to push your limits?
Sign up for a free trial class today and experience the best group fitness in Santa Clara. The GRIT program is all about functional fitness, community support, and real results. Come see why it’s the ultimate workout for anyone looking to get stronger, faster, and fitter!