
Unleash Your Strength with Arsenal WOD

Ready for a workout that challenges every muscle in your body? Arsenal is here to push your limits, combining explosive power and focused strength training. Whether you’re looking to build muscle, improve endurance, or simply test your fitness, this WOD delivers a full-body burn that will leave you feeling unstoppable.

What to Expect in Today’s Arsenal WOD

This WOD is split into two parts, each designed to target key muscle groups and enhance your overall strength. Here’s how it breaks down:

Single Arm Work (Per Arm):

  • 40 Swings: Start with kettlebell swings. Keep your core tight and drive the movement with your hips, engaging your glutes and hamstrings.
  • 30 Snatches: Power through snatches, focusing on smooth transitions and strong finishes overhead.
  • 30 Cleans: Perfect your form with cleans, ensuring each rep is controlled and efficient.
  • 30 Shoulder Press: Engage your shoulders and triceps with presses, maintaining a steady core.
  • 30 Deadlifts: Finish strong with deadlifts, keeping your back straight and driving through your heels.


  • 8 Renegade Rows: A killer move for your core and back, alternating rows while maintaining plank position.
  • 8 TRX Reverse Flys: Hit those rear delts and upper back, focusing on controlled movements.
  • 8 Bicep Curls: Time to pump up your arms—keep your elbows steady and squeeze at the top.
  • 5 Pull-Ups: End with pull-ups, using your lats to power through each rep.

Modifications for All Fitness Levels

Beginner: Use lighter weights and reduce the reps if needed. For pull-ups, try band-assisted or perform inverted rows instead.

Intermediate: Stick with the prescribed reps, but adjust the weights as needed to maintain form.

Advanced: Challenge yourself with heavier weights and aim for perfect form throughout the workout.

If you don’t have access to certain equipment, try these alternatives:

  • Substitute a dumbbell for kettlebell exercises.
  • Use resistance bands for the TRX movements.
  • Swap renegade rows for plank shoulder taps if dumbbells aren’t available.

Tips to Maximize Your Workout

  1. Warm-Up: Start with dynamic stretches to loosen up your shoulders, hips, and legs.
  2. Focus on Form: Keep each movement controlled, especially during the single-arm exercises. This WOD is about strength, not speed.
  3. Breathe: Maintain steady breathing throughout, exhaling on the exertion phase of each movement.
  4. Cool Down: Finish with a full-body stretch, focusing on your shoulders, back, and legs.

Join the GRIT Program

Ready to see what you’re made of? Join us at the Academy of Self Defense in Santa Clara for more workouts like this. Our GRIT program offers a unique mix of strength and endurance training in a supportive community. Whether you’re just starting or looking to push your limits, there’s a place for you here.

Sign up for a free trial class today, and experience the power of group fitness!