Ignite Your Inner Strength in a Power-Packed Workout
Are you prepared to tap into your untapped reservoir of upper body strength? Look no further than Strong Armed, an exhilarating WOD that will put your muscles to the test and leave you feeling empowered and accomplished. Join Coach Serra at the Academy of Self Defense in Santa Clara, CA, and let’s dive into an intense workout experience!
Prepare for an ultimate upper body challenge with pull-ups. Push your back and arm muscles to their limits as you conquer these dynamic bodyweight exercises. Embrace the burn and celebrate each completed repetition as a testament to your progress.
Ignite your power with plank punches. Engage your core and channel your inner boxer as you deliver powerful punches from a plank position. Feel the energy surge through your arms as you alternate between left and right strikes.
It’s time to unleash your strength with sledgehammer swings! Embrace your inner demolition expert as you perform sledgehammer strikes, targeting your arms, shoulders, and core. Embrace the rhythmic motion and envision breaking through any barriers that stand in your way.
Challenge yourself with knuckle push-ups. Strengthen your chest, shoulders, and triceps as you lower yourself down and push through with the power of your knuckles. Embrace the intensity and conquer each rep with determination.
Master the art of double unders, a jump rope exercise that tests your coordination and cardiovascular endurance. Jump, spin the rope twice, and repeat. Embrace the rhythm and let your inner skipper shine.
Engage your entire body with renegade rows. Assume a plank position and row those dumbbells one arm at a time. Feel the burn in your back, arms, and core as you stabilize your body and conquer each row.
Wrap up the workout with a burst of energy – burpees! Embrace the challenge and power through these full-body exercises. Jump, squat, push up, and repeat. Feel the adrenaline rush as you conquer each repetition.
Join Coach Serra today for Strong Armed and discover the strength that resides within you. Push your limits, challenge yourself, and leave the workout feeling empowered and accomplished. It’s time to unlock your strong arms and embrace the journey to a fitter, stronger you! Start a free two week trial today!