Timeline for In-Person Black Belt Training Program For In Person Testing
- Applications for Black Belt testing are only accepted during the designated annual submission period, which falls in April of each calendar year. 2024 Black Belt Applications will start on April 1, 2024.
- Students desiring to be a candidate for black belt must submit an application on our website for candidacy no later than the last day in April of the calendar year they would like to test in.
- Application will include a written statement from the student detailing answers to specific questions on the application.
- Application must include one referral/reference from a black belt instructor who can attest that the student has demonstrated sufficient skill, knowledge and effort of all lower belt techniques and demonstrated good character deserving of being a black belt candidate.
- Each student must complete an interview conducted by a black belt instructor to fully allow the student to understand what is expected of them leading up to the training and test.
- By approximately the first week of June the Black Belt committee will review all applications of eligible candidate(s) for the Black Belt Training program. When the Black Belt committee has come to a decision, Black Belt candidacy invitation letters will go out to candidates. The candidate(s) will have 7-days to decide whether or not they want to accept the invitation.
- Black Belt testing will always be the last Saturday and Sunday in September. The Black Belt training will always begin on the Last weekend of June or first weekend in July. If there are any holidays that coincide with the Sunday training, the training date will be moved to the Friday or Saturday before the holiday. This timeframe will allow for the 12 week training to end prior to the testing date.
Eligibility & Guidelines:
- Black Belt applicant must be an active Vanguard Krav Maga® student, training in person at the Academy of Self Defense in Santa Clara, California, at least one year prior to their application submittal date.
- The applicant must have at least 130 in-person classes completed to be eligible to submit their application. Classes must be completed at a licensed Vanguard Krav Maga® school.
- The applicant must have reached their 180 in-person class count by the time of the test in September. Classes must be completed at a licensed Vanguard Krav Maga® school.