Goo Goo Muck

WOD Breakdown: October 6th – Ready to get stronger, faster, and feel unstoppable? Today’s GRIT workout is packed with a mix of strength, cardio, and explosive movements designed to push your body to its limits. Whether you’re at the gym or crushing it from home, this WOD is perfect for every fitness level.

Let’s break it down.

The Workout

1. SL RDL to Press
This move combines balance, strength, and stability. Start with a single-leg Romanian Deadlift (SL RDL), where you hinge forward on one leg while keeping your back flat and core tight. As you return to standing, press a dumbbell overhead for that shoulder burn.
Reps: 10 on each leg
Modifications: If you’re new to this, feel free to use both legs for balance or skip the overhead press.

2. Devil’s Press
A full-body powerhouse! Begin in a burpee position, grab a pair of dumbbells on your way up, and thrust them overhead. It’s intense but oh-so-effective.
Reps: 8-10 reps
Modifications: If you don’t have dumbbells, replace this with bodyweight burpees.

3. SL Hip Thrust
For your glutes and hamstrings, set up on a bench or chair. Drive through your heel as you lift your hips, squeezing at the top for maximum activation.
Reps: 12 on each leg
Modifications: Keep both feet on the floor if you need extra stability.

4. SA Wide Row
Grab a dumbbell, hinge at your hips, and row with one arm at a time. Keep your elbow wide to target your upper back and rear shoulders.
Reps: 10 per arm
Modifications: Use a resistance band or lighter weight if needed.

5. 2-Punch Sprawl
Add a little MMA flair! Throw two punches (jab-cross) and immediately drop into a sprawl. It’s a fantastic way to build endurance while improving agility and coordination.
Reps: 8-10
Modifications: Replace the sprawl with a squat if dropping down feels tough.

6. SA Toe to Row
This one will fire up your core! While lying on your back, hold a weight with one arm. As you lift your legs, simultaneously row the dumbbell towards you, crunching your abs.
Reps: 10 per side
Modifications: Keep your legs bent for less intensity or perform without weight for a simpler version.

7. 3 Wall Sprints
Finish strong! Set up near a wall, and run with high knees while pushing against the wall for three bursts of energy. Focus on keeping your core tight and knees driving high.
Reps: 30 seconds per sprint (rest 20 seconds between each)

Maximizing the WOD

  • Warm-up: Always spend at least 5-10 minutes warming up your muscles. Dynamic stretches or light cardio like jogging or jumping jacks will get your body ready.
  • Form Focus: For each move, maintain proper form. Keep your core engaged, especially during single-leg exercises like the SL RDL and hip thrusts.
  • Pacing: Push yourself but pace wisely! For exercises like the Devil’s Press and 2-Punch Sprawl, explosive power is key, but don’t sacrifice form for speed.
  • Cool-down: Take time to stretch, especially your hamstrings, hips, and shoulders.

At-Home Modifications

No equipment? No problem. Replace dumbbells with household items like water bottles or bags filled with books. No bench for the hip thrusts? Do them on the floor instead. Wall sprints can be swapped with high-knees or even jumping jacks.

Stay Connected

We love seeing your progress! Share your post-workout pics and tag us @AcademySelfDefense so we can cheer you on. Join our community and keep pushing your fitness boundaries—because there’s always room to get stronger and better.

Ready to experience GRIT in person? Book a free trial class at the Academy of Self Defense in Santa Clara, and see why this group fitness class is taking Santa Clara by storm!